Rachel Abrams, Interactive Design Fellow
Sylvia Harris, Information Design Fellow
Marton, (former) Executive Director, Design Trust for Public Space
Chelsea Mauldin, (former) Deputy Director, Design Trust for Public Space
Adam Millard-Ball, Transportation Planning Fellow
Anisha Sawhney Mittal, Urban Design Fellow
Eric Rothman, Economic Policy Fellow
Rachel Weinberger, Urban Planning Fellow
Rachel Abrams, Interactive Design Fellow
Elson, (former) Director of Programs, Design Trust for Public Space
Chelsea Mauldin, (former) Deputy Director, Design Trust for Public Space
Trust for Public Space
Taxi 07: Roads Forward provides the City of New York with the first long-term plan for improving the taxi system. The result of a partnership with the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC), Taxi 07: Roads Forward analyzes the current taxi system and outlines taxi-improvement strategies that are feasible and cost effective over a 10-year period.
"Roads Forward is the gold standard for informing policymakers. I reference it every single day."
- David Yassky, Commissioner, NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission, 2008
Roads Forward is divided into three sections: "Part I: Guiding Principles", “Part II: An Illustrated Guide to the Taxi System” and “Part III: Strategies for Improving the Taxi System.” Part I outlines a set of guiding principles for taxi services; Part II illustrates how the current taxi system functions; and Part III outlines strategies for improving the usability, economic value, efficiency and sustainability of the system.
Specifically, this publication explores how the taxi can best function as a vital part of New York City's public realm. Recommendations are made for how the taxi system could be optimally regulated to provide excellent transportation service for all its passengers and stakeholders, and for the city at large.
recommendations include:
Trust Preface
NYC TLC Preface
I: Guiding Principles
Part II: An Illustrated Guide to the Taxi System
Part III: Strategies for Improving the Taxi System
Taxi 07 Passenger Survey
Date: December 2007
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 160
Binding: Perfect
ISBN: 978-0-9777175-1-4
Printed by: Vanguard Direct
Design by: MGMT. design