Fiona Cousins, Engineering Fellow
Rosamond Fletcher, Director of Programs, Design Trust for Public Space
Joseph Huennekens, Program Associate, Design Trust for Public Space
Hayes Slade, Architecture Fellow
James Slade, Architecture Fellow
Rosamond Fletcher, Director of Programs, Design Trust for Public Space
Joseph Huennekens, Program Associate, Design Trust for Public Space
Design Trust for Public Space
Affordable housing is at the top of New Yorkers’ minds more than ever with Mayor de Blasio’s new ten-year plan to create or preserve 200,000 affordable units across the five boroughs. Laying the Groundwork: Design Guidelines for Retail and Other Ground-Floor Uses in Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Developments presents feasible ways to build ground-floor space that is functional for retailers, community and cultural organizations; accessible and convenient for residents and neighbors; and cost-effective for developers.
Combining a year of research and design work conducted by our multi-disciplinary team of Fellows in collaboration with our project partner NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development, the Laying the Groundwork publication invites developers and architects to think creatively about the ways buildings contribute to the life and health of neighborhoods encouraging attractive, active and resilient streetscapes. The publication includes clear objectives for effective, high-quality design and related references to consider exploring further.
Specifically, Laying the Groundwork features:
Good standards and guidelines for street level commercial uses do not change whether the project is market rate or affordable.
Section 1: Facade and Signage
Section 2: Exterior Access and Streetscape
Section 3: Interior Architecture
Section 4: Mechanical
Section 5: Electrical
Section 6: Plumbing and Fire Protection
Date: January 2016
Pages: 87
ISBN: 978-0-9968944-0-1