To all you gorgeous people who joined us for Learn To Love Yourself: The portrait gallery is now on view here!

This summer marked the second season of the silent disco & photo shoot at Uptown Grand Central's community Plaza on 125th Street & Park Avenue. Rooted in National Black Theatre founder Dr. Barbara Ann Teer’s wisdom on “learning to love yourself” as a path to liberation, the series is a sonic, transformative journey that helps us learn to love and heal.

View the photo gallery here! Shout-out to phenomenal photographers Ayesha Kazim @ayeshavkazim, Floradis Espinal @flordalisand Maria J. Hackett @mariajhackettfor capturing the beauty of our neighbors. And to sound artists Cry$cross @crys_cr0ss, Duneska @duneskasuannette, Dent @d3nt__, Poison Ivy @dadjpoisonivyand Rimarkable @iamrimarkablefor filling our headphones with beats and love.

Back by popular demand and named as one of New York’s Best Things To Do by Timeout New York, the Turnout NYC stage returned to Harlem to bring female-identifying DJs and photographers to the neighborhood for a dance party and free community portraits.

Visit to learn more about how our project collaboration with SITU and NYC cultural community partners brought outdoor performance spaces across the five boroughs, creating equitable arts access with the power of underutilized public space!
