The third Photo Urbanism Fellowship was awarded to Travis Roozée for his project, "Portrait of Jamaica Bay," which told the story of a distinctive but little-known part of New York City.
Over the course of one year, Travis Roozée photographed the dramatic
landscape of Jamaica Bay and the distinctive yet little-known communities that
arose to harvest its natural resources. Visible over a vast saltwater marsh,
the Manhattan skyline just scratches the horizon above Jamaica Bay, yet this
area is well within New York City’s limits. The bay supports colonies of
migratory birds, backyard canals, airport runways, restored grasslands, and the
A train. Mr. Roozée’s elegant photographs of people, architecture and seasonal
beauty reveal the intricate connections that give Jamaica Bay its identity as a
living example of New York City history.
Portrait of Jamaica Bay
February 10, 2007 - April 23, 2007
Museum of the City of New York
The past is so palpable here - the same families whose ancestors settled in this community over three-hundred years ago still have homes here, and fishing and boating continue to have a strong impact on the cultural life today.