We work with an amazing array of talented people. Here is a random selection of just a few.
Friends of the High Line
Friends of the High Line is the non-profit, private partner to the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation who seeks to protect the entire historic structure, transforming an essential piece of New York’s industrial past and inspiring new ways of thinking about the city, parks, public space, preservation, and community. Friends of the High Line works with the City to make sure the High Line is maintained as a great public place for all New Yorkers and visitors to enjoy. In addition to overseeing the maintenance, operations, and public programming for the High Line, Friends of the High Line is currently working to raise the essential private funding to help complete the High Line's construction and create an endowment for its future operations.
I can say absolutely, without a doubt, that we would not be here if we had not had that project with the Design Trust.