Steven Caputo Jr. is Deputy Director at the New York City Mayor’s Office of Long-term Planning and Sustainability where he oversees the NYC Clean Heat Initiative to accelerate citywide adoption of the cleanest heating fuels, and advises on energy and climate policy.

As a two-time Fellow of the Design Trust for Public Space, Steven coauthored the New York City High Performance Infrastructure Guidelines (2005) with the Department of Design and Construction, and the High Performance Landscape Guidelines (2010) with the Department of Parks and Recreation. He previously worked at Polshek Partnership Architects, Arup, and the Spatial Information Design Lab.

Steven earned a BA in Architecture and a certificate in East Asian studies from Princeton University. He attended Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and earned a Master of Public Administration Degree from the School of International and Public Affairs.

The Design Trust’s mandate is to push the limit of the public partner’s expectations and understanding… no one else does it as well as the Design Trust.

Steven Caputo, former Design Trust Fellow