John Schettino is a designer and artist whose work concentrates on spatial concepts and applications. His design practice helps people to engage with and negotiate space through projects that focus on wayfinding, placemaking and mobility. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, John’s work often addresses the needs that emerge at the intersection of information architecture and architecture of built environments.
His overlapping expertise in these areas has its roots in previous experiences as Creative Director for IBM Global Services Online Customer Experience Division and as consultant on large architecture projects for firms like Rockwell Group. His interest in bringing clarity to complex circumstances is also reflected in his own independent initiative The New York Penn Station Atlas, a personal wayfinding tool for America’s busiest transit hub.
John has been a guest critic of the Design + Technology MFA Thesis Program at Parson’s The New School since 2005. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.