Team Access

Photo: Sam Holleran

At our first-of-its kind Community Design School, our Community Advisors are working in focus teams to catch the spark for targeted innovation, so to speak, in reclaiming Flushing Meadows Corona Park (FMCP) from its convoluted past.

The volunteer community advisors for our World's Park project have been working together since December to acquire the necessary planning, design, and stewardship skills to improve and maintain the vast FMCP, former World’s Fairs site.

Working in four teams, the group is developing design concepts to improve the accessibility to the park, the circulation within it, and considering its overall connectivity:

  1. Team Access is exploring ways to:
    • Make it easier for people to get to the park from surrounding neighborhoods;
    • Increase the visibility of park entrances/exits;
    • Communicate the best entry points for people coming to the Park in different ways, like by foot, public transportation, car or bike, or using it in different ways like a soccer player or parents coming with their children.
  2. Team Navigation is exploring ways to:
    • Help better orient people within the park;
    • Communicate how to get around the park for different kinds of parkgoers, like walkers vs. bikers;
    • Think of navigation differently for those who are frequent parkgoers, occasional parkgoers, as well as those who are rarely at the park.
  3. Team Opportunity is exploring ways to:
    • Invite in and encourage use of the park by people with different needs/abilities;
    • Showcase some of the park’s hidden places;
    • Show frequent parkgoers different parts of the park that might appeal to them.
  4. Team Learning is exploring ways to:
    • Make layers of park history more visible;
    • Highlight the cultural resources in the park;
    • Give people the background on different features of the park like plants, objects, architecture, etc.
Who are Community Advisors?

Community Advisors are highly enthusiastic individuals of all ages and diverse professional and cultural backgrounds, who are participating in our Community Design School to learn about organizing, design, architecture and art in public spaces. They are working closely with Design Trust Fellows and NYC Parks on design concepts to improve aspects of Flushing Meadows Corona Park pertaining to connectivity, wayfinding and circulation.

The Advisors are participating in hands-on learning events and group homework assignments through March 2015. They will present preliminary design concepts at a community forum on March 1st for feedback from the wider community. Then, they will show final design concepts at a public forum on April 12. This second forum will also mark the opening of the design exhibition at the Queens Museum on April 12.

Let’s meet the Community Advisors:

Photos (6)

Photo: Sam Holleran

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Team Opportunity

Photo: Sam Holleran

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Team Learning

Photo: Sam Holleran

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Team Navigation

Photo: Sam Holleran

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Team discussion led by Design Trust Fellow Sarah Lidgus

Photo: Sarah Lidgus

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Team discussion led by Design Trust Fellow Sam Holleran

Photo: Sam Holleran

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Community Advisors folder
