In time for Earth Day 2023, the Adams Administration has released PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done, New York City’s strategic climate plan that focuses on protecting New Yorkers from climate threats, improving quality of life, and building the green economy, stating that “climate change is the most pervasive and persistent public health crisis across the globe."
Design Trust for Public Space Executive Director Matthew Clarke issued the following statement in response:
New York, NY, — “We applaud the Mayor’s Office for prioritizing a plan that recognizes the climate crisis’ impact on New Yorkers, renewing New York City’s commitment to environmental justice and resiliency. Improving the city’s sustainability improves the quality of life for us all.
“Public spaces like parks and open green areas are critical tools for the city’s response to the effects of climate change. There is a clear link between proximity to green space and overall community health, from cooling in extreme heat to cleaner air. We are encouraged to see the Mayor’s plan center accessible, equitable, and quality community spaces.
"The Design Trust looks forward to continuing to support positive changes in the way the city is designed, built and managed. Together with our previous sustainability publications,High Performance Building Guidelines(1999) andHigh Performance Infrastructure Guidelines (2005), which led directly to the enactment of local laws encouraging high performance construction, our Sustainable New York report helped pave the way for the first PlaNYC in 2007.
“Today, the Design Trust is collaborating with the Fund for Public Housing and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) on Green Space Connections to create and activate community-designed green space at four NYCHA public housing developments for 14,000 residents in Brooklyn and the Bronx, selected due to their documented high need in health indicators as well as climate vulnerability. Our Restorative City initiative is bringing together urban planners, city officials, neighborhood advocates, and public health experts to center health equity in the design and planning of New York City.
"Thoughtful and creative collaboration between community groups, private sectors, and city agencies is crucial to the future of the five boroughs and the health and happiness of its residents.”
Press Contact: Alexa Mauzy-Lewis, Design Trust for Public Space Communications Manager,