Herbert Von King Park (previously known as Tompkins Park) has a history of stewardship that has been integral to the Bed-Stuy community, starting from the Magnolia Earth Tree Center spearheaded by grass roots organizer and urban gardener Hattie Carthan. Built in 1871, this 7.8 acre park is one of the first to be commissioned in Brooklyn designed by Cavert Vauz and Frederick Olmsted and home of the only tree that is a designated NYC landmark.
Jeffrey Chen, visiting faculty at Pratt Institute Graduate School of Interior Design will tell us about the studio work co-developed with Reconnect Brooklyn, a local grassroots organization, to address issues of rapid neighborhood change and gentrification through public space design. Jackson Chabot, recent graduate from Pratt Institute's Urban Placemaking and Management program will share about his thesis project exploring frameworks for non-profits and social enterprise to leverage visibility for their ideas, products and mission through public spaces.
We will be meeting at the Lafayette/Tompkins Barbecue area (entrance on Lafayette Ave.) located in the middle of the park.
All you need to bring is a dish to share! We’ll provide drinks, cups, plates, napkins, and other picnic needs. The event is free and open to the public so bring your friends!