Gather with city enthusiasts as we share a meal on Thursday July 20, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, at Freeman Plaza East (Varick St. between Watts and Broome) in Lower Manhattan.
The area around the Holland Tunnel used to be a tangle of traffic practically devoid of places to gather. But in recent years, the neighborhood has been transformed by a number of unusual new public spaces. Freeman Plaza—located directly adjacent to the Holland Tunnel entrance—is a particularly creative example of public space reclamation.
Join the Design Trust for a communal meal at Freeman Plaza East and a conversation about the transformation of the tunnel entry area. Ellen Baer, President, Hudson Square Connection; and Signe Nielsen, RLA, FASLA, Principal, Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects (MNLA), will discuss how the transformation took place and the design strategies that were used to create an oasis in such an unlikely place.
All you have to bring is a small dish to share! We’ll provide drinks, plates, napkins, and all other picnic needs. The event is free and open to the public.
Learn more about the Design Trust's Public Space Potlucks program.