The Public Space Research Group (PSRG) was founded in 1995 by Professor Setha Low and doctoral students at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), within the Center for Human Environments. In this Zoom webinar, Design Trust's Director of Programs, Samira Behrooz will talk about the organization's unique model, including few current and completed projects followed by a discussion. Join us to learn more about the Design Trust’s work and discuss how iterative engagement and cross-sector partnership could lead to systemic change.
At the core of the Design Trust for Public Space’s work is a value that public space is essential to the cultural and democratic life of a city, and that would be impossible without building meaningful relationships with a range of diverse stakeholders. Since 1995, the Design Trust has unlocked the potential of NYC’s shared spaces with government agencies, community groups, and private sector experts using a model that prioritizes the fostering of mutual trust among these cross-sector participants. Design Trust has executed 30 multi-year projects, awarded over 105 fellowships, partnered with over 40 community groups and city agencies, and produced over 55 project deliverables, such as publications, websites, workshops, exhibits, symposia and pilot installations.
About the Speaker
Samira Behrooz is the Director of Programs at Design Trust for Public Space. She leads the strategic development, execution, and assessment of the Design Trust’s programs. Prior to joining the Design Trust in 2017, Samira worked with the City of Toronto’s planning and transportation departments for three years. Over the course of her career, she’s served as a planner, architect, and heritage specialist, working on urban challenges in Tehran, Toronto, and New York. She holds a Master of Planning from Ryerson University, and a Master of Historic Preservation and B. Arch from Tehran Azad University.
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