Under the Elevated 2013–2020

The first phase developed design and policy recommendations, in partnership with the NYC Department of Transportation, to transform the neglected public space under the city's elevated bridges, highways, subway and rail lines, into valuable community assets. The partnership continues in a second phase to launch several pilots. The first pilot in Sunset Park will be a collaboration with Industry City.

  1. Phase I
  2. Phase II
Under the Elevated Project Umbrella Image
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The Project Team

The interdisciplinary team includes a graphic designer, a landscape architect, a photographer, an artist, and an urban planner.

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Project Partner

Community Collaborators

Advisory Committee

Debra Allee
Founding Partner, AKRF
Robert Balder
Executive Director, AAP NYC, Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Michael Blaise Becker
Executive Director, Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project
Jonathan Butler
Co-Founder, Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasburg; Founder, Brownstoner.com
Wellington Chen
Executive Director, Chinatown Partnership
Aimee Gauthier
Chief Program Officer, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
Andrew Kimball
Director of Innovation, Economy Initiatives, Jamestown Properties and CEO, Industry City
Robert Paley
Co-Chair, Urban Land Institute New York Infrastructure Council; Director of Transit-Oriented Development, Metropolitan Transit Authority
Linda Pollak
Principal, Marpillero Pollak Architects
Leslie Schultz
President, BRIC
Samuel Schwartz
Founder, President and CEO, Sam Schwartz Engineering
Russell Unger
Executive Director, Urban Green Council
Gregory Wessner
Executive Director, openhousenewyork (OHNY)

Special Thanks

Robert Balder
Executive Director, AAP NYC, Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Developing a related studio
Linda Pollak
Principal, Marpillero Pollak Architects
Sharing her research and expertise