Design Trust Council members are listening to Manhattanville Development's Philip Pitruzzello. 

Photo: Ozgur Gungor

With its open, environmentally sustainable design, local retail amenities, and publicly accessible green spaces, Columbia University's new Manhattanville campus will provide a pedestrian-friendly connection between West Harlem and scenic Harlem Piers Park, along the Hudson River.

The development, which will span over three decades, will include innovative new buildings for Columbia’s Nobel Prize-winning neuroscience department, Business School, the School of the Arts, an academic conference center and new spaces for art, culture and community.

The Design Trust Council members joined us for breakfast with Maxine Griffith, Columbia University’s executive vice president for government and community affairs (and Design Trust board member) and Philip Pitruzzello, Manhattanville Development’s senior vice president. The group discussed the design and construction plans for a nexus of neuroscience, arts and business on the West Harlem waterfront and how the community and government review process influenced the design. 

Stay tuned for our upcoming Design Trust Council events.

Not a member yet? Join the Design Trust Council today!

Our goal is to create an open university campus with a central, publicly accessible space and amenities.

Philip Pitruzzello, Senior Vice President, Manhattanville Development

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Photo: Ozgur Gungor

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Design Trust Council members are catching up with coffee and snacks 

Photo: Ozgur Gungor

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Clockwise from far left: Susan Chin, Paul Gangsei, Maxine Griffith, Philip Pitruzzello

Photo: Ozgur Gungor

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Design Trust executive director Susan Chin introduces the breakfast program.

Photo: Ozgur Gungor

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Maxine Griffith, Executive Vice President for Government and Community Affairs, Columbia University

Photo: Ozgur Gungor

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Philip Pitruzzello, Senior Vice President, Manhattanville Development

Photo: Ozgur Gungor

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Design Trust Council members

Photo: Ozgur Gungor

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Design Trust Council members
